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Before You've Been Diagnosed

Maybe you’re experiencing some abnormal saddle pain (sensations like pinching, burning, numbness). Or maybe you sometimes have alarming symptoms off the bike (pain with urination or arousal). Maybe you’re experiencing a myriad of other strange symptoms that you don’t quite understand but you know something is wrong. What do you do?

After You've Been Diagnosed

You’ve seen your doctor and they believe you have pudendal neuralgia. Maybe they refer you to a pelvic floor specialist or maybe you find another doctor or PT on your own. You’re starting to get treatment and are wondering “When will I feel better?” and “When will I get to ride my bike again?”. Here are some things to keep in mind during your recovery process.

Life with pudendal neuralgia is inherently challenging. Between navigating the healthcare system, managing physical symptoms, and grieving over the loss of your sport, it can feel overwhelming. There is little information on how to manage this process as a cyclist. This tips & advice section was created with the goal of providing a generic road map of how to manage life before and after your pudendal neuralgia diagnosis.

Please note that these tips & advice are based off personal experiences and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. It's advised that you speak with your medical care provider before changing your daily routine or adjusting your approach to recovery.

Tips & Advice

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