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Our Goals

  • Generate pudendal neuralgia awareness within the cycling community

  • Centralize information for cyclists

  • Share other cyclist’s experiences with pudendal neuralgia to:

    • Learn from other riders

    • Normalize transparency and reduce isolation

    • Give a voice to this rider segment


Overview of PN

Overview of PN

Overview of PN

Overview of PN

This information is intended to be a brief introduction of pudendal neuralgia and was not written by a medical professional. Please note that this information should not be substituted for professional medical advice. Please speak with your medical care provider regarding questions or concerns about pudendal neuralgia or other medical conditions.

Additional Resources

There are some great resources written by medical professionals for more in-depth information on pudendal neuralgia. Check out these recommended resources:

Find a Pelvic Health Specialist

Finding a pelvic health specialist can feel daunting. There are several online resources to help aid in your search. The below resources were gathered by Kelly Sammis, DPT, OCS, CLT in her article Pudendal Neuralgia + Cycling Syndrome.


  1. “Pudendal Association.” Pudendal Neuralgia Association, 2019,

  2. Harich, Jack, et al. “Pudendal Neuralgia Symptoms.” Health Organization for Pudendal Education, 3 July 2014,

  3. Harich, Jack, et al. “Pudendal Neuralgia Diagnosis.” Health Organization for Pudendal Education, 9 July 2014,

  4. Sammis, Kelly, and Aaron Castonguay. “Pudendal Neuralgia + Cycling Syndrome.” Holistic Pelvic Health, 18 Feb 2019,

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